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10 Skills of the Modern Purchasing Professional

The skill level of the purchasing professional is directly proportional to its strategic value within the company. Find below 10 skills that will make the professional better prepared for the current challenges according to Marcelo Velloso, founder of “Supply em Dia“, a website created to add value in supply chain, motivation and leadership


1 – Strategic industrial management – Development of an extensive business plan, anticipating trends in global markets. This is particularly important with commodities.


2 – Category management – Organize or categorize your budget according to specific goods or services (direct or indirect); keeping in mind: quality, service, risk and cost.


3 – Project management – Purchasing through the development, implementation and management of a rigorous process to obtain a successful conclusion. Establishing responsibilities, deadlines and goals is fundamental.


4 – Relationship management – The ability to stablish a good relationship with all the stakeholders: suppliers, clients and colleagues


5 – Negotiation Skills – The skill to persuade, influence and explore alternatives to meet objectives that will satisfy all parties, specially your company’s strategies.


6 – Finance Mindset – Apply with extensive knowledge financial management principles and other relevant information to ensure that your decisions are fiscally responsible based on your budget.


7 – Analytical Skills –  Visualize, articulate and solve simple and complex problems, making sensible decisions based on available information. Specially important when selecting suppliers.


8 – Tech-Savy – Apply and improve knowledge, skills and judgement, evaluating and translating information technology into efficient and fast solutions.


9 – Focused on Results – Meet and exceed the goals according to internal or external standards. It is directly related to the passion and commitment to improve your skills in the purchasing process.


10 – Professionalism – Think of possible effects of your words, actions, appearance and behaviour on others. The modern professional carefully chooses its words to achieve the highest probability of a desired outcome from a group or individual.



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