Main ​indicators:

Aço Inox
Minério de Ferro
PP Copolímero
Soda Cáustica

Disclaimer of Liability

Datamark Ltda provides its visitors and users with an integrated platform with its own technology for the transfer of information in an Internet environment, acting as a passive driver of information for the execution of purchases, sales and other purposes arising from its operation, respecting the terms of the general conditions of use. The integrity, truthfulness and legality of the originating information are a concern of Datamark Ltda, but Datamark Ltda will not be responsible for the legality and correctness of the information placed by third parties in its platform Datamark Ltda also informs that it will periodically make changes and updates to its platform, either in the content or in its presentation page, without previous and / or express communication. It is allowed to make only the temporary file of the pages of the platform. The performance of mirrors, modifications, translations, versions or copies of the content of the platform is prohibited as well as its use for purposes that deviate from the reality for which it is directed or that modify its content. Reproduction, distribution and disclosure, in whole or in part, of the texts, figures and graphics that make up the present platform, for commercial purposes without previous and express authorization of Datamark Ltda, being allowed only the printing of copies for personal use and archiving. The user assumes all civil and / or criminal responsibility for the improper use of the information, texts, graphics, trademarks, works, and any intellectual / industrial right of this platform, responding personally and cause.